Battlefield 3: Aftermath – Post Earthquake Urban Combat

It’s been almost a full year since Battlefield 3 hit the market, and we’ve seen a number of expansion packs since then. Each of them has (arguably) improved upon the BF3 experience; new game modes, additional weapons and vehicles, and visual improvements have been a staple of each update.

Hot on the tail of Dice’s latest expansion, Armored Kill, we’ve got Battlefield 3: Aftermath. Though the name reminds me of something straight out of Command & Conquer, the video you’re about to watch shows that it will be anything but. Situated right in the middle of crumbling, post earthquake Iran and Iraq cities, players will once again have an opportunity to do what they do best: shoot stuff.

Battlefield 3: Aftermath

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Though each of the expansion packs have offered something slightly different, Aftermath looks like the most unique of the lot. I’ve given this some thought, and I don’t think I’ve ever played a game featuring cityscapes destroyed by earthquakes. If they happen to still be crumbling as players battle across them, well… even better. I think that’s going to be one hell of a unique experience. Perhaps a bit like Return to Karkand, but with more buildings falling down and crushing people.

Personally, I’m really just happy that they’re focusing on infantry combat this time around. Though Armored Kill is visually stunning, I’m really not a huge fan of vehicular combat. I find infantry combat a lot more exhilarating … a lot more personal, and visceral. I have a feeling this will be further enhanced by crumbling landscape, and cities which will undoubtedly be full of little cracks and crevices to hide in. Only time will tell.

Now, there’s currently no known release date for Aftermath it’s out now, but I’ll be sure to keep you updated with the latest screenshots and trailers as they become available. My guess? Right before Christmas. <- I was right.

In the Aftermath…

If you’re looking to play Aftermath, then it would probably help if you, you know… actually had a copy of Battlefield 3. It sells on Amazon for about $30 USD. That’s like… the price of 6 beers at a bar. You can do without 6 beers, right? RIGHT?? You filthy alcoholic.




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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